A New Perspective on English Vowels: Bridging the Pronunciation Gap between Native and Non-native Sp, 劉慶剛, 9789861473987, 文鶴 , 書局, 網路書店, 金石堂,

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A New Perspective on English Vowels: Bridging the Pronunciation Gap between Native and Non-native Sp,作者:劉慶剛,出版社:文鶴,ISBN:9789861473987


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有關A New Perspective on English Vowels: Bridging the Pronunciation Gap between Native and Non-native Sp的詳細介紹如下:

A New Perspective on English Vowels: Bridging the Pronunciation Gap between Native and Non-native Sp,作者:劉慶剛,出版社:文鶴,ISBN:9789861473987

《A New Perspective on English Vowels: Bridging the Pronunciation Gap between Native and Non-native Sp》

This book has provided empirical evidence that strongly support the two assumptions I made in Chapter One. First, the findings support that all vowels, tense or lax, have to travel in the speaker’s oral tract...
